What We Do

At StoneRoller, we provide:


  • We should not be ignorant of the schemes of the ‘evil’ one (2 Corinthians 2:11). Awareness and understanding of toxic relationships, particularly psychological and emotional abuse, is critical to fostering a community that better supports victims and can help prevent further relational abuse from happening. Our educational programs include:
    • Speaking engagements and workshops at community centers, schools, places of worship, domestic abuse shelters, law enforcement facilities, and other venues
    • Ebooks and downloadable tools that describe how to identify, intervene, and exit toxic relationships from a biblical perspective


  • It’s so important to encourage each other and build each other up (Thessalonians 5:11). For those who have been involved in a toxic relationship, their world may range from being cracked to completely shattered. It is important to help stabilize and strengthen these people by re-writing the negative narratives that their abusive situation has led them to internalize. Our encouragement services include:
    • Coaching and self-study materials focused on “mind renewal” (Romans 12:2) to help rebuild the broken pieces and help victims understand their intrinsic value
    • Online information center with links to high-quality support services


  • John 10:10 tells us that Jesus came that we would have life and have it abundantly! Once strengthened, we focus on grounding survivors in biblical truth and helping them to thrive! Our empowerment services include:
    • Individual and small group study tools that promote continued spiritual growth
    • Online training and coaching support
    • Donated and subsidized services and necessities to assist victims whose abusive circumstances have resulted in severe financial hardship

Please partner with us to break the chains of toxic relationships. Your tax-deductible donation provides the funding needed to support these activities at little or no cost to the recipients.